
Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Nutrition Sheldon Margin, publisher of the UC Berkley Wellness Letter, a leader of “them”, accepted this characterization of battle lines when we presented it to him in 1996. In 1996 Dr. Atkins and Barry Sears were both publicly and regularly referred to as “quacks” and “frauds” by mainstream physicians, journalists, and nutritionists. While this was something that Sears would have to get used to, Dr. Atkins had been dealing with vicious assaults on his life’s work and character since publishing his Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution in 1972. Doctor Robert Atkins deserves credit for suffering unimaginable abuse while remaining steadfast, Gary Taubes for being the first journalist to expose the fraud and origins of the low fat position and for later making the point that the science may have been behind Dr. Atkins all along, Barry Sears for super tuning a responsible diet, and Dr. Uffe Ravnksov for exposing the fraud and slop in anti-fat research so effectively that he needed to be completely ignored to be dealt with. Lihat selengkapnya, download di sini.

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